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Mariposa lilies, Calochortus umbellatus, in bloom

Your Support Keeps us Going.

The Friends of Sausal Creek could not have survived and thrived these past 25 years without the support from many agencies, foundations, and individuals.

Support the Watershed.

Your donations are the backbone of support for our work to restore habitat, engage communities,

and protect urban creeks to keep native wildlife populations thriving.

Thank you for your support!

Friends of Sausal Creek is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by U.S. law.

Our tax identification number is 91-2147216

Limited Edition Tees

These locally-designed, soft, 100% cotton tees are only available until our limited supply runs out, so act soon!

​First, make your donation online (above) or by mail, then fill out the tee order form. Thank you for your support!

A group of community members gather around FOSC founders Mark Rauzon and Eleanor Dunn as they deliver a talk on creek daylighting.


Together we go farther. We welcome groups, organizations, and businesses to partner with us for a volunteer day, sponsor an event, or to provide long-term support for FOSC’s development and operations.

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